Please call us on 01603 429564 to report an absence.
Every child must be in school each day, unless:
- They are ill.
- They are attending an appointment for a medical reason.
- Authorised absence has been granted for holiday or religious reasons.
Parents with children of compulsory school age are under a legal duty to send their children to school regularly and punctually and risk prosecution if they fail in this duty.
Please contact the school on the first day of the absence by calling 01603 429564. Any unexplained absences are recorded as unauthorised.
Lateness is also recorded as an unauthorised absence in the register. Attendance is closely monitored by the school and the local authority. If there is persistent lateness or other unauthorised absence the local authority attendance support officer is informed. At the end of each school year the number of authorised and unauthorised absences will be recorded on each child’s report. The school is obliged by the Department for Education to set targets for attendance.
We like to congratulate parents who make every effort to send their children to school on a regular basis. However if a child is unwell the best place for him/her is at home.
Please make every effort to make appointments for dental inspections and non-urgent matters outside school time.
If your child is ill please do not sent him/her to school as he/she will feel very unhappy and therefore will learn less and could pass on their illness. Children should not return to school until 48 hours from the last time of sickness or bout of diarrhoea.
Do ensure that the contact name and number you have given us is up to date. We may need this information in the event of an emergency.