Nursery to Cecil Gowing
The exciting adventure begins
You and your children are about to start an exciting adventure. We have put together some helpful hints, tips and tricks for getting the little ones ready for their big day and journey through school; it should hopefully make it easier for you too! We go to great lengths to ensure a smooth transition and value the importance of home and nursery visits to get to know you and your children before their journey begins.
Check your pack for Start Dates
Outdoor Learning
Will commence after October half term.
The Peg List
PE Kit – white t-shirt and black shorts
Spare Clothes
Book Bag
We build these everyday
When a child enters reception there will be lots of new faces to learn and new routines to follow. This is a big day so it is important we get them ready for it, this is where you can help to make this step much easier. This may be the first time they are away from their parent or carer for a long period of time, so if it is unexpected this makes it harder. Talk to your child frequently about this new change in their life, show your excitement for school and how brilliant the experience will be. This is really important, they will want to go to school and when they get there it won’t be such a surprise.
In school we reward the children for being kind to each other, sharing and taking turns. This helps to build their understanding of what a positive relationship is. You can support them with this by praising them continuously for showing these behaviours at home.
Goodbyes are never easy
We know goodbyes are never easy but it is even harder for your child. Try to have a big smile on their first day, it will really show them that everything is OK and to remain happy; remember, this is an exciting day!
To help this transition, if you can, provide opportunities for your child to spend time with other adults and get used to saying goodbye with a smile.
Remember, we’re not just here for them. We are here for you too.
The first day of school can be hard for mum and dad, part of you feels excited the other feels sad for many years you’ve held their hand and have been their loving guide.
Now you know the time has come to leave them by my side but it is only for a little while as your child will learn and grow and at the end of everyday, they will share with you all they know.
So as you walk away don’t worry anymore I’ll take care of all those precious gifts when you leave them at my door.
- We use Tapestry (online learning journey) to post WOW moments and updates. Please don’t expect lots of observations we use lots of different ways to document learning this is one of our many tools.
- Your child will be a focus child twice throughout the year. We send out a letter before hand so you can tell us your child’s current interests so we can plan some activities which will engage them. We observe all aspects of your child’s learning and at the end invite you for a focus child meeting to discuss their progress and next steps.
Let’s talk about toilets
We all have to go, including the little one so it is important they can do this on their own. Help them by ensuring they know what to do, if they are still using a potty now is a good time to move them over to a toilet. They need to feel confident going to the toilet independently including wiping their bottom and washing their hands. Of course, we are always near by if they need help. All of the toilets are unisex cubicles.
Accidents are perfectly normal but it helps to have a spare change of clothes on their peg. While we’re on the subject of changing, practise practise, practise. Your child will need to change out and in to their PE kit independently.
We love outdoor learning and playing outside! It really helps if your child can do up those tricky zips and buttons on their coat.
Here comes our famous motto, “You choose it, you use it, you put it away” – we mean keep it tidy. With great independence comes great responsibility, so when you child uses all the toys and equipment we do ask they put them back. Hopefully they will use this motto to keep their things tidy at home.
“You choose it, you use it, you put it away”
Ready, steady, eat… with a knife and fork please. We do expect your child to use some tools when eating at school so practise at home with different types of food if you haven’t already. We are always on hand to help encourage your child to try new things and cut up food. If your child doesn’t enjoy their lunch we will send you a message so you know not to order it next time.
Letting them loose with scissors… we use scissors regularly at school so any practise helps.
- Jump Start Jonny is a dance workout we follow on the interactive white board, we do this everyday. There are some free videos on his website if you want to get dancing at home. We also run around the running track daily, this helps to keep us all healthy and research has shown regular exercise helps with concentration.
- Marbles! The children work together as a team to earn class marbles when they reach 10 they get a treat which they choose together … baking, pyjama day and teddy bear’s picnic are some popular choices. We always text you to let you know if you child needs to bring anything.
- Outdoor Learning! One afternoon a week your child will explore different activities including visiting a local woodland, cooking around a fire, pond dipping and den building to name a few.
We love a chatterbox
Talk to them. All the time. About everything and anything. Tell them stories, answer those what, why, when, how, who questions to keep them inquisitive!
“….but why is the sky blue?”
By the way… the sky is blue because all of the light from the sun gets scattered and shaken up by the air, little drops of water and other stuff. Only the blue light gets to us strongly enough to colour the sky blue… just in case you ever get asked!
Even if you don’t know the answer, try anyway or better, find out with them because thats what we do with books or the internet. Shh… the secret is out, teachers don’t know everything.
Stories, we love them! Surround your child in the wonder of words that fill their imaginations and expand their creativity. You can never spend too much time cuddled up on the sofa sharing a book with your little one and you will help foster a love of reading.
You can certainly help here, ask them questions such as
“what do you think is going to happen next?”
…“how do you think Mr Bunny is feeling?”
You see what we did there? You’ve expanded their understanding of what is happening, got them to think and use their imagination. You may even want to encourage them to come up with stories of their own. This is really important stuff and it will go a long way in helping their cognitive development.
- Join the library! It’s free! They have some brilliant events at the Millennium Library. Reading stories to your child will help them with all aspects of learning.
- Mark making (you’ll hear us use this phrase a lot). What we mean by this is encourage your child to use different tools including chalk, mud, sand, crayons, flour anything really to make marks including lines, squiggles and wiggles. This will help your child to develop their writing skills.
- Sing! Sing! Sing! Nursery rhymes and songs are so important. Some of our personal favourites are “10 fat sausages “and “Once I caught a fish alive! “This will help with your child’s early literacy and numeracy skills.